• First session of the seminar “The Common, the State and the market as a system”

    February 27, 2015 – Center for Studies in Administration and Political Science Research (CERSA) – 10 rue Thénard 75005 Paris


    9 a.m Welcome

    9:30 a.m Introduction – Danièle Bourcier, Hériard Gilles Dubreuil Sylvain Lavelle

    10 a.m “Evolution of an oasis of southern Morocco between globalization and state regulation. Decoding from the notion of  commons ” – Didier Christin, Sol et Civilisation

    11:15 a.m “The deployment of the heavy traffic levy in Switzerland. Between public, state and market” – Romain Ferrari, Fondation 2019

    12:30 Lunch

    2:00 p.m. “Experimenting common, establish common” – Pascal Nicolas-Le Strat, Maître de conférences, HDR en sociologie

    3:15 p.m. “The legal categories questioned by the problem of the commons” – Etienne Picard, Professeur de droit public, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne

    16:30 p.m Discussion

    17:30 p.m End of the session

    CERSA – Fund for Democratic Culture – Hyles Institute